Design and Technology enables practical problem solving, whilst drawing on subject knowledge from mathematics, science, computing and art. In all year groups, Design opportunities are created through topic links which allow pupils to design and make using a wide range of materials and components. Our children are taught to apply prior knowledge in order to evaluate their own and others products.
Design and technology is also encouraged through homework in order to engage parents.
Cooking and nutrition is a fundamental part of the curriculum, as we want to instill a love of healthy eating and cooking at North Mead Primary. Our pupils are encouraged to eat healthy options during lunch and each year group prepare dishes as part of their topic.
Design and Technology is taught through our book based immersive curriculum with three topics each year having a Design and Technology focus. These are shown in the Design and Technology knowledge organisers.
Useful websites:
BBC Teach DT –
Food fact file –
Ideas library –
Subject Leader – Jeanette Nocton